Texas Ed: Comments on Education from Texas

July 14, 2006

Multiplication Tables

Filed under: Homeschooling — texased @ 9:27 pm

My son knows his multiplication tables. You may not be impressed since he would be starting high school this fall and you would expect someone who is in the middle of an Algebra I book to know basic multiplication facts. But here’s the interesting part, I didn’t teach him.

I tried, I really did try. And since it’s often a mulitiplication question that non-homeschoolers ask your kid to see if he’s really learning, I was pretty anxious for him to master the tables. So we tried work sheets, videos, songs, books, whatever. But he would have none of it. I would lay in hammock while he climbed the tree and try to get him to go over the fives or sixes. Nope. Pokemon cards didn’t work. I offered him $20 if he would learn them up to the tens. What can I say, money has never been a big incentive for him.

I guess I could have gone the “or else” route but he has never been one to respond well to threats either. If we don’t give him a reason why he needs to do something (he doesn’t have to like it, he just needs to know the reason) he gets stubborn and things get ugly. So we generally reserve threats for those things we consider really significant or essential and somehow, multiplication tables just didn’t seem to fall into the category.

Since our approach to math has been somewhat haphazard, it didn’t really strike me that he knew the tables until we started an actual textbook for algebra. I knew he understood the concept of multiplication so I allowed him to use a calculator. However, occasionally I would get the question like “6 times 8 is 48, right?” After a while, I realize that he knew them. He may not win any speed contest for reciting his multiplication tables but he knows them. So does it really matter that he was thirteen before he could “prove” it?

But that would require organization

Filed under: cultural values, Homeschooling, Religious Right — texased @ 7:17 pm

Home schooled kids hit campaign trail for GOP | ajc.com:

His “kids” are a small army of 76 home schooled students from 10 states, ages 14 to 20, who assembled in Alpharetta this week to help Ralph Reed try to win the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor.

We so need a Generation Joshua for progressive homeschoolers.

What is Generation Joshua?:

Generation Joshua is designed for Christian youth between the ages of 11 and 19 who want to become a force in the civic and political arenas. Our goal is to ignite a vision in young people to help America return to her Judeo-Christian foundations. We provide students with hands-on opportunities to implement that vision.

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